The FleX of the Week
The FleX of the Week
[Warrior Series] (Free Version) Suffering In Silence, Why Warriors Bear The Weight Of The World.

[Warrior Series] (Free Version) Suffering In Silence, Why Warriors Bear The Weight Of The World.

The task of being a true warrior is a daunting one for those who accept the undertaking without any grasp or concept of its magnitude. You must accept your true nature or be destroyed by it.
Low-angle Photography of Atlas Statue

So I wanted to do a solo article in my Warrior Series of mindset posts to take an opportunity to talk about something that many of us are dealing with moreso now than ever.


2020-2021 has been a trying time for us all and these years have definitely buried their fair share of people, but for those of us who are still around, the worst may be yet to come. We aren’t out of the bushes just yet but there is still time for us to reflect on what we’ve overcome and why we must continue to overcome the succession of misery that looms above us. Remember the Amazing Quote By Michael Hopf:

“Hard times create strong menstrong men create good timesgood times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

This is the epitome of a Warrior’s purpose in life and it is exactly why the need to strive for greater power must always come first in a man’s life. There is nothing of greater importance to us than being stronger than any challenge that may seek to overcome us as well as those who we care the deepest about. It is through this power tat we can create the good times that hopefully our loved ones’ descendants can live to see, but that all starts with us being strong and bearing not only our own suffering, but their suffering too….. With a smile.

Often times, you may feel alone….. And you’re correct, if you’ve chosen to become a warrior the you truly have no idea how alone you really are in the world. BUT… That’s not to say that there aren’t supporters, but they can not walk the same path or journey as you. There may be times when their paths intertwine and connect for brief periods but the path of someone who has taken up the mantle as a warrior in their own life must be walked alone. That’s why attaining mastery and familiarity with your one TRUE instinct is necessary.

Loneliness is relative to how comfortable and familiar one is with themselves. If you’re unfamiliar with who you are as a person, being alone with your thoughts will act as a force multiplier for whatever burden, suffering, or challenge you’re currently under. This is where you can stand the risk of being crushed by the challenge and difficulty.

For individuals who are familiar with themselves and have made peace with the entirety of their being however, time alone is merely like time at the forge with a collection of blades and implements. You’re merely sharpening, refining, and honing yourself, truly a therapeutic process. Its one where you can ignore the immense pain and burden that you may be under while concocting a better strategy or method of dealing with the stress. You get true time to ruminate on your challenge and grow as a person in wisdom and strength, understanding where your weaknesses are and mentally combatting them as you make your way through the hard time. THIS IS WHY YOU MUST BE ABLE TO SUFFER ALONE.

Person in Brown Jacket Holding Black Metal Tool
Much like unrefined pieces of metal are hammered out into finely crafted blades and tools, we must let our suffering and challenges provide the necessary heat, while we listen to our innermost selves for the instructions and details of what implement to forge out of these furnaces of hardship. This is how warriors become powerful and refined tools that the world can use for its advancement.

The voices and input from others can be comforting but they are merely opiates. Masks for the pain that must be dealt with lest it become chronic. Still, in a society that is addicted to feelings, opiates, and pleasure, facing pain and strife head on feels like a death sentence….. But this is why there is arguably a shortage of eligible warriors to lead the world today. Too many people are afraid of suffering in the silence. They wish to mask the suffering and create static that prevents them from hearing their inner-selves speak to them in what would be a stoic silence. They block out what would otherwise lead them to understanding how to progress to the next level in their development so they may dwell in personal infancy, blissfully unaware of mental adulthood.

Its troubling, but it is again why the quote goes:

“Hard times create strong menstrong men create good timesgood times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

The good times may create these weak men that can afford to ignore the root of their suffering and continue to avoid growth and development, but that will bring upon a NEW GOLDEN AGE where Warriors must again step up, take on the suffering of the world onto their shoulders, and go through the correct refinement process so that we can once again see those good times….

Life is cyclical in this way. But you don’t have to be one of those men who contribute to the fall. The option to be a true warrior and handle the challenges that come along with that title as well as the growth is up to you. Just remember, YOU TAKE THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE ELSE WHO CAN BEAR THAT WEIGHT ALONE.

I hope that you enjoyed this piece. If you would like to hear the extra commentary/podcasted input to this article then feel free to subscribe to the paid subscriber’s membership in either of the option types below. Thanks so much for reading guys and I hope you’ll support the publication! Thanks!!

The FleX of the Week
The FleX of the Week
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